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Product Description
Adams Living Will/Power of Attorney Forms
Legal Kit - 1 - PC, Intel-based Mac - Forms and Instructions
The Living Will Kit is simple to use and easy to understand. It is a great way to express your choice of when to discontinue treatment and life support - and who should have the power to make that decision for you. The kit includes necessary forms, instructions and information. Contents have been reviewed and approved by attorneys and industry experts. The included CD is compatible with Windows and Mac.
- Helps make sure your choices are known if injuries occur
- Includes necessary forms and instructions
- Easy to understand - no "legalese"
- Contents reviewed and approved by attorneys or industry experts
Product Specifications
Assembly RequiredNo
Brand NameAdams
CompatibilityMicrosoft Windows 2000, Microsoft Windows XP (Home or Professional) plus Apple Macintosh systems running Microsoft Windows. Not compatible with Apple or MAC O/S.
Copy TypesOne-Part (No Copies)
Country of OriginUnited States
Disclaimer StatementIntended solely for use in the United States of America.
FeaturesWhat a living will is Living wills and the law Making your living will Revoking your living will Durable power of attorney for health care Revoking a power of attorney Notice of death with dignity request Instructions to custodian Revocation of power of attorney Resignation of agent Affidavit of validity of power of attorney Document locator Personal information Funeral requests Statement of wishes Notification list Insurance/pension data Sample living will Living will Topics covered in the instructional guide: Completing your living will 14 forms included:
Form Size8.5 x 11 8.5 x 11
Forms Per Page1
Global Product TypeLiving Will & Power of Attorney Forms
ManufacturerSocrates Media, LLC
Manufacturer Part NumberK306
Manufacturer Website Addresswww.socrates.com
Marketing InformationMake sure your choices are known if injuries occur with the Living Will/Power of Attorney kit. The Living Will kit allows you to express your choice of when to discontinue treatment and life support and who should make that decision for you if you're permanently incapacitated. Includes instructional guide and 14 forms.
Package Contents14 Forms included Living Will & Power of Attorney for Health Care Kit
Paper Color(s)White
Paper Stock24 lb Bond
Platform SupportedPC Intel-based Mac
Post-Consumer Recycled Content Percent0%
Pre-Consumer Recycled Content Percent0%
Principal Heading(s)Healthcare Power of Attorney Living Will Revocation of Healthcare Power of Attorney Revocation of Living Will
Print and Ruling Color(s)Black
Printer CompatibilityInkjet Laser Inkjet Laser
Product NameLiving Will/Power of Attorney Forms
Product TypeSoftware
Sheet Size8.5 x 11
Software Main TypeReference
Software NameLiving Will & Power of Attorney
Software Product SupportedHealth Care Kit
Software Sub TypeLegal Kit
System RequirementsAdobe Acrobat Reader 6.0 or higher Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0 or higher Microsoft Word 2000 or higher Microsoft Excel 2000 or higher Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1 with Service Pack 1 Optical Drive: CD-ROM Others:
Total Recycled Content Percent0%