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Texas Instruments Nspire CX II Graphing Calculator
Product Number:
Product Description
Texas Instruments Nspire CX II Graphing Calculator
Rechargeable - Battery Powered - 2" Height x 7.3" Width x 11.8" Length - Gray - 1 Each
This graphing calculator's proven ability to motivate discovery and understanding is expanded and enriched with visuals and hands-on functionality. Integrated mathematics templates permit you to enter expressions and see math symbols, formulas and stacked fractions just as they are printed in textbooks and on the board. Animated path plot allows you to easily visualize function, parametric and polar graphs as they're drawn in real time. Dynamic coefficient values let you explore direct connections between dynamic coefficients in equations and graphs. New app icons, supported by color-coded screen tabs, improve the user experience for easy navigation and use. Rechargeable battery reduces the risk of running out of power unexpectedly and eliminates the need for routine battery replacement. Easy-to-teach, easy-to-learn programming language makes this calculator perfect for exploring STEM concepts.
- CAS engine allows you to perform symbolic and numeric calculations
- Animated path plot draws graphs in real time for easy visualization
- Easy-to-read graphics improve user experience
- Rechargeable battery eliminates need for frequent battery replacement
- Built-in apps allow you to save and share work with others
Product Specifications
+/- Switch KeyNo
Additional Warranty Information1 year
Assembly RequiredNo
Backspace KeyNo
Base Number CalculationsYes
Bond CalculationsNo
Brand NameTexas Instruments
Calculator FeaturesRechargeable
CaseSlide-On Hard Case
Cash Flow CalculationsYes
Complex Number CalculationsYes
Confidence Interval CalculatingYes
Country of OriginUganda
Currency Exchange FunctionNo
Date CalculationsNo
Decimal FunctionNo
Depreciation CalculationsNo
Display NotationGraphic
Display Window Resolution320 x 240
Double Zero KeyNo
Entry LogicAlgebraic
Equation EditorYes
Fraction/Decimal ConversionsNo
Fraction CalculationsNo
Global Product TypeGraphing Calculators
Grand Total KeyNo
Graphing FunctionsDifferential Equations Histogram Parametric Plot Zoom
Higher Mathematical FunctionsAlgebra Chemistry Geometry Plot Polynomial Equations Statistics Trigonometry
Hyperbolic FunctionsYes
Hypothesis TestingYes
Interest Rate ConversionYes
Item Count FunctionNo
Levels of ParenthesesUnlimited
Limited Warranty1 Year
Linear RegressionNo
Loan CalculationNo
Logical (Boolean) OperationsYes
Manufacturer Part NumberNSPIRECXII
Markup/Down KeyYes
Metric ConversionNo
Number of Display Digits10
Percent Add-On/DiscountNo
Percent Key(s)No
Polar-Rectangular ConversionNo
Post-Consumer Recycled Content Percent0%
Power SourceBattery
Power Source(s)Battery
Pre-Consumer Recycled Content Percent0%
Probability (Random Number)Yes
Product ColorGray
Product LineTI-Nspire
Product ModelCX II
Product NameNspire CX II Graphing Calculator
Product TypeGraphing Calculator
Simultaneous EquationsNo
Size3.54 x 7.48
Square Root KeyYes
Tax CalculationNo
Total Recycled Content Percent0%
Trig/Log FunctionsNo
Variable RegressionNo